The method of recording that’s more closely related to the traditional workflow is mixer-based recording. Your browser does not support the video tag. There’s really no downside specifically here and just bonuses. So you get some nice ‘free’ bonuses from having things in a sampler channel by default. Most of them are self-explanatory and common in samplers. I’m not going through all of the features here.It has all of the features of Audio Clips. Sampler Channel - The normal Sampler Channel is like a VSTi sampler.Great for those tape speed up or tape slow sounds. The delay is a simple one knob mix affair that delays the left/right channels from each other slightly to produce the precedence effect I never found much use for these.

This allows you to create seamlessly overlapping loops. Crossfade removes some of the start of the audio and adds it to the end fading in to the end. Fade stereo - the clip pans from left to right over the course of the clip.Knob-based pitch and time adjustment with a variety of algorithms.It has some limited options compared to normal Sampler Channels, but the interesting features: Audio Clip - An Audio Clip is a special Sampler Channel that isn’t locked to a pattern.I’m not going to go through all of the features, but there are some notable ones for audio clips. There’s 2 variations of Sampler Channels: Sampler Channel (the generator) and Audio Clips This means that you have a number of realtime modifications available to you. When working with Audio files in FL, everything is in a Sampler Channel or Audio Clip.